Sunday 5 February 2017

Having a morning brew and a stoma change

The warm smell of coffee is literally what keeps me going.  I somehow wonder what I would do if the world went to H. E. double hockey sticks and I was left with no coffee.  That would be a tragedy but this morning was just like any other morning. Well except that I am forced to be trapped at home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  So it is a little different, but I was thinking about coffee as I drink my morning cup of coffee.  It is part of my routine.  I wake up, let the dogs out, hit the bathroom, and turn on the coffee machine.  I am a little vague on what machine because sometimes it's a pot or sometimes it's a K-cup machine or now it really is mostly Cold-Brew.. To be honest, I am not that picky when it comes to coffee as long as I have some.  Drinking coffee started at a young age but I really didn’t drink much until I turned mid 30’s and needed to be awake in the morning and fast.  

I began as any basic b. would, and I started by drinking it with sugar and creamer.  But as the years have gone on and my health has gotten worse I have started to simply drink it black.  Thank goodness I have evolved as a man and a coffee drinker.  Now having an ostomy causes a few questions that always crack me up.  Does coffee still do the same thing in the morning with one as it would without?  Well if you don’t get my meaning the average person who drinks coffee generally finds themselves on the toilet pretty quick after their first cup of coffee in the morning.  The proverbial mud butt.  Well, that is indeed why I use a good brand from a major manufacturer for all of my gear.  But in all seriousness yes, it is the same! It happens fast and in a rush.  

So it may just be my body, but I want a good seal on all my gear.  I tried a bunch of stuff starting out and there are lots of good companies and people willing to help. I ended up mostly using a few of the big brand names for my gear because they let me try it all first.  They also spent time with me to understand my needs and wants.  I may be a picky coffee drinker, but I am way worse when it comes to gear.  If I am planning a trip I want to make sure I am safe and don't even have to think about my stoma when hiking or skiing.  

But my coffee in the morning is still the same and the effects are still the same, and I don’t worry about it.  Having the right equipment keeps me safe and from any intense leaks!  Nothing could be worse than a shart times 10 if you know what I mean.  And if you are offended, by me writing this, lighten up.  Try to have some humor in life because that is the best way to make it through difficult situations.  Be wise and don't be a jerk when something goes wrong and life will be cool. So be kind, and enjoy a nice morning cup of coffee.

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Life with Stoma

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